Friday, December 6, 2013

Snowed Under & Iced Over...NOT!

Dear Friends & Followers,

Just a few dozen lines to let everyone know that we have not been abducted by aliens, fallen off the edge of the Earth nor found religion and ran off to join the Tea Party cult (NOT EVEN A REMOTE POSSIBILITY!). We cannot blame our absence from this blog on the weather, either, since we are not iced in all that deeply--I mean, I did get up and make it to my day job by 7:05 this morning. Certainly we were not hit as hard as our friends down in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for which I hope we are truly thankful.

Charlie is great. Antibiotics knocked out his cough, and he has learned to tolerate spending the night in his crate, at least. Given time, I actually think he will come to appreciate having a cozy, enclosed space all his own. For now, however, he still prefers Annie's side of our bed. Last word we heard on Dog Runner, Charlie will be heading for New York Monday evening, barring any further delays due to weather and/or road conditions.

Beano is ... well ... tolerable, I suppose. He has been somewhat green, shall we say, these past several days. Seems he is jealous of Charlie in spite of our best efforts to engage both dogs equally.

The boys had a dust up over a rawhide chew a couple of days ago. Hackles were raised, teeth were bared, guttural growls were voiced. In the end, however, the only injuries sustained were to feelings. No physical harm was done to or by either party, and Beano immediately confined himself to his crate for the remainder of the evening, pouting.

Consequently all rawhide chews have been confiscated and hidden away. Charlie's will be packed with his other belongings, and Beano will get his back after Charlie has left the house. But the incident also has prompted Annie and I to reconsider and reevaluate just how we will continue to foster rescue dogs.

AnnieTo be fair to Beano, he has always exhibited a jealous side, so his disdain of Charlie is really nothing new. He is very protective of his toys and food. Opal just ignored him, and, as she was larger, he pretty much (had to) let her have her way. Charlie, on the other hand, is his size (albeit not as heavy) and more laid back in disposition - Beano may consider him more of a threat. He does try to engage Charlie in play often - sometimes to Charlie's chagrin. They each have their moments. Again, I believe this is due to their similarities rather than differences.

Interestingly, he knows when he's pushed it too far. And I swear, he practices his scowl when we aren't home! I do find it amusing that he now knows when he needs confinement. He doesn't think twice, just goes directly to his crate and stares out until given the nod that he can rejoin us.

Meanwhile, I've been working on a blog post about beagles, and frankly, the research has taken longer than I expected. At least, that's my excuse for being absent since Saturday last and I'm sticking to it. Until next time, then, stay off the roads, keep your dogs close and share the blankets with someone you love!

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